Wind Turbine Technician Training Outline
Wind energy is one of the fastest-growing energy sources in the world. Wind energy currently supplies 10% of all the electricity produced in the U.S. and 5% in Canada. Global installed wind generation capacity, both onshore and offshore, has increased by a factor of 100 in the past two decades, jumping from 8.2 gigawatts (GW) in 2002 to 850 GW in 2023. To further expand wind energy’s capabilities and benefits to society, researchers are working to address technical and socio-economic challenges in support of a decarbonized electricity future
Wind Turbine Technician Course Online
Wind Turbine (WT) Technician online Certificate program is intended to address a global need for people who are skilled in servicing, diagnosing, repairing and installing wind turbines and related equipment.
The program is delivered in an asynchronous “on demand” online format, which allows the student to start and finish modules entirely at their own pace. This format is based on GBC’s other award-winning online technical training programs such as electronics, robotics and industrial automation. The average completion time is 32 weeks, but there are no pre-set, scheduled completion times, which allow the student to complete the course material at a rate that they are comfortable with.
One of the main features of the program is the integration of theory with laboratory experiments and projects. The Wind Turbine program consists of 14 modules of interactive curriculum using text, video, 2D and 3D animations, photos, audio clips and state-of-the-art interactive electrical/electronic/PLC simulations.
Learn more about the wind turbine course module details.
This module offers a broad introduction to wind energy and the engineering principles underlying the operation of wind turbines. It covers the main components in the nacelle and yaw system and references the average lifespan of wind turbine components. In addition, this module describes the four types of wind turbines and outlines the most popular blade configurations. It will also introduce the student to the principles of simulation software and its application in wind turbines and wind farms. The theoretical and practical aspects of rated capacity and efficiency are also presented along with the methodology to calculate power generation.
Learning Outcomes
Upon Completion of this module, you will be able to:
- Differentiate between a windmill and a wind turbine
- List the three main components in a nacelle
- Indicate the average lifespan of wind turbine components
- Describe the most popular blade configuration for wind turbines
- Name three components in a yaw system
- Differentiate between a PLC and SCADA system
- Define the term electromagnetic induction
- Explain the function of a drip loop in the tower
- Name two types of brakes in a wind turbine
- List the four types of wind turbines
- Use rated capacity and efficiency to calculate power generation
- Describe the need for simulation software in wind turbines
This module describes safety equipment including fall protection systems. It describes the basics of safety when working with wind turbines, and covers first aid, fire prevention, electrical shock and hazards associated with working at height and in confined spaces. Students will gain a thorough understanding of wind turbine and wind farm safety including the key elements of safety systems, equipment selection and inspection, use of tools, risk assessment, and emergency procedures. In addition, this module includes a discussion of PPE requirements for troubleshooting wind turbines as well as safe troubleshooting practices.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module you will be able to:
- Differentiate between hazard and risk
- List three factors to consider in controlling hazards
- Describe the two types of risk with any industrial process
- Explain how a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) is developed
- Name the four main types of safety lanyards
- Distinguish between infrasound and ultrasound
- Explain why confined space hazards are a major concern
- Differentiate between a service lift and controlled descent device
- Describe the purpose of a ring electrode
- Name two of the main causes of electric shock in a wind turbine
- Distinguish between an arc flash and an arc blast
- Name three types of wind turbine maintenance routines
- Differentiate between static tests and fatigue tests
- Describe three categories of failure in a wind turbine
- List eight common preventive maintenance tasks
- Apply safe troubleshooting practices to wind turbine systems
This module introduces the principles of wind energy and the fundamental difference between wind shear and wind gradient. The various categories of the Beaufort scale are discussed as well as the primary forces that affect wind speed and direction. The purpose of a geographic coordinate system is described, and a comparison of angle of attack and lift to drag ratio is presented. The impact of the Betz limit on wind efficiency is covered, along with the fundamentals of Blade element momentum (BEM) theory. In addition, the student will learn how to calculate the tip speed ratio of a wind turbine and how to determine the power coefficient.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Differentiate between air masses and air pressure
- Define the term cardinal direction
- Explain the purpose of a geographic coordinate system
- Compare laser doppler and sonic anemometers
- Name the three primary forces that affect wind speed and direction
- List the twelve categories of the Beaufort scale
- Differentiate between wind speed, air density, and blade radius
- Compare angle of attack and lift to drag ratio
- Calculate the tip speed ratio of a wind turbine
- Explain the difference between wind shear and wind gradient
- Describe the impact of the Betz limit on wind efficiency
- Determine the power coefficient of a wind turbine
- Describe the principle of Blade element momentum (BEM) theory
This module introduces students to the fundamentals of current, voltage and resistance and Ohm’s law. In addition, the module introduces essential concepts such as the relationship between temperature and resistance, electron velocity, and the direction of current flow. The module also covers the difference between work and energy and explains the methodology of calculating power consumption.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Apply the principle of electric charge
- Express Coulomb’s Law
- Define electric current
- Explain electron flow and conventional flow
- Describe electric potential and voltage
- List the five main types of voltage sources
- Differentiate between a voltage and current source
- Define resistance
- Explain the difference between capacitance and inductance
- Use Ohm’s law to find voltage, current or resistance
- Describe relationship between temperature and resistance
- Differentiate between work and energy
- Determine efficiency of an electrical device
Calculate power consumption in kilowatt-hours
This module is designed to cover the fundamentals of series, parallel, and series-parallel circuits. A discussion of positive ground and negative ground is presented, as well as the effects of connecting voltage sources in parallel. The theoretical and practical aspects of basic circuit calculations using Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws are also presented in this module using a combination of video, animation, and laboratory projects using CircuitLogix simulation software.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Describe how voltages are distributed in a series circuit
- Define Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law and Current Law
- Determine the polarity of emfs and voltage drops
- Calculate internal resistance
- Use the voltage divider and current divider rule
- Describe the effect of connecting voltages sources in parallel
- Define positive ground and negative ground
- Determine the total resistance in a series-parallel circuit
- Calculate voltage drops and power
- Explain the purpose of loaded voltage dividers
- Describe the basic principles of DMMs and probes
- Troubleshoot DC circuits
This module introduces the fundamentals of alternating voltages and currents. In addition to sine waves, the module also covers non-sinusoidal waveforms and harmonic frequencies. The phase relationships between alternating current and voltage are also described. The principles of transformers and transformer polarity are presented as well as the effects of inductive and capacitive reactance on AC circuits.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Identify sine waves
- Explain the instantaneous value of a sine wave
- Define impedance
- Determine the average and RMS values of a sine wave
- Describe the phase relationships between alternating current and voltage
- Differentiate between a sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal wave
- Name three types of non-sinusoidal waves
- Define harmonics
- Explain the effects of inductive and capacitive reactance on AC circuits
- Discuss power in AC circuits
- Describe the purpose of power factor correction in a wind farm
This module will provide the student with an introduction to power semiconductor devices including power MOSFETS and IGBTs. The module is designed to demonstrate the purpose of rectifiers, inverters and converters and their application in wind turbine high power circuits. A comparison of AC-DC-AC and back-to-back converters is also included. In addition, an introduction to troubleshooting power electronics devices and circuits is presented.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Define power electronics
- Explain the difference between a FET and a BJT
- List two main types of power transistors
- Differentiate between enhancement and depletion mode
- Describe the operation of an SCR
- Compare inverters and converters
- List three types of rectifiers
- Explain the difference between a coupling and bypass capacitor
- Describe the purpose of filters in power electronics circuits
- Differentiate between AC-DC-AC and back-to-back converters
- Troubleshoot diodes, rectifiers, and transistors
This module is designed to present an overview of transformers, AC motors and the most common generators found in large wind turbines. The basic operating principles of transformers are presented along with their applications in wind turbines and wind farms. Also included in this module is the fundamentals of AC motors and AC variable speed control systems. In addition to the basic induction motor, the module also covers synchronous and asynchronous machines. Generator types, including the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) are discussed in detail along with an explanation of the necessity for power factor control.
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Explain the basic operating principle of transformers
- List the standard markings used to identify transformer polarity
- Name three types of transformers used in wind farms
- Describe the operation of induction motors
- Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous machines
- Define starting torque and breakdown torque
- Describe how torque is developed in a 3-phase induction motor
- Calculate synchronous speed
- Name the main components in AC motor speed control
- Differentiate between yaw drive and pitch drive systems
- List the three types of generators used in wind turbines
- Describe operation of a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)
- Explain why power factor control is required with AC generators
This module provides an overview of electrical code and blueprint reading from an introductory level. Students will be introduced to the National Electrical Code (NEC), and its importance within the wind turbine industry. An overview of blueprint reading, identification and use of symbols and lines and techniques commonly used in construction, design and maintenance drawings is presented. In addition, students will examine typical electrical and mechanical drawings and blueprints and identify details of the drawings while learning of specifications, common characteristics, and industry standards.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the student will be able to:
- Explain the basic operating principle of transformers
- Define the term blueprint
- Differentiate between visualization and interpretation
- List the four main types of information blocks
- Describe the purpose of zone number on a blueprint
- Name the two main standards for GD&T
- Explain what is meant by the term alphabet of lines
- List the ten line types used in blueprints
- Identify reference designators and schematic nets
- Explain the difference between block and schematic diagrams
- Differentiate between an Article and a Section in the NEC
- Name the three main items covered in Section 694 of the NEC
This module will provide a detailed understanding of hydraulic principles along with the different types of hydraulic fluids and their features. In addition, this module also covers the components of hydraulic systems and their filters, pumps, piping, reservoirs, accumulators, hoses, control valves, and other essential mechanisms. An introduction to hydraulic power is presented as well as the five subsystems used in wind turbines. A detailed overview of wind turbine mechanical systems is also provided, including the gears and gearing mechanisms in large wind turbine drivetrains
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
- Define the term drivetrain
- Differentiate between axial, radial and centrifugal fans
- Explain the operation of a hydraulic rotary joint
- Describe the operation of a heat exchanger
- List the three types of gears in a wind turbine drivetrain
- Explain the purpose of a planetary gearing system
- Name the three main classes of spur gears
- Describe the operation of a three-stage gearbox
- List the five components in a typical fluid power system
- Explain how control valves perform blade pitch manipulation
- Name five subsystems used for hydraulic power in wind turbines
- Describe the function of a hydraulic power unit (HPU)
This module introduces the student to monitoring devices such as displacement sensors, temperature sensors and vibration sensors. The applications of temperature sensors, such as thermistors, used in wind turbines are presented. The main types of displacement sensors are discussed, and the most common anemometers are described. In addition, it is in this module that the student learns the purpose of a communications bus, and the principles of condition monitoring systems. The main communication protocols in wind turbines and wind farms are also described including the IEC 61400-25 standard.
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
- List the three main quantities measured by wind turbine sensors
- Name three types of displacement sensors
- Describe the operating principle of ultrasonic sensors
- Explain the difference between a cup and ultrasonic anemometer
- List four applications of temperature sensors in a nacelle
- Describe the difference between an NTC and PTC thermistor
- Compare a single-axis and three-axis vibration sensor
- Differentiate between pitch sensors and yaw sensors
- List the six steps associated with a condition monitoring system
- Explain the purpose of a communications bus
- Define PROFINET and the IEC 61400-25 standard
This module provides a general overview of PLCs and their application in wind turbines. An introduction to ladder logic is presented and the most common types of PLC signals are covered with an emphasis on practical application. This module also covers math functions, PID control and PLC communications, as well as maintenance and troubleshooting of PLCs. Laboratory projects are completed using PLCLogix 500 simulation software. This PLC software features a 3D wind turbine simulator that enables you to run, test, and debug ladder logic programs and simulate the operation of a PLC-controlled wind turbine.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
- Define a programmable logic controller (PLC)
- Explain the purpose of a PLC in a wind turbine
- Describe the basic function of the I/O system
- Differentiate between discrete, data and analog I/O
- Define ladder logic
- Name the two basic types of PLC counters
- Explain how data transfer is accomplished using a PLC
- Name four PLC math functions
- Describe the purpose of PLC analog control in wind turbines
- List six safety considerations for PLC systems
- Identify the basic troubleshooting procedure for PLC systems
This module aims at providing knowledge about the wide area of technology that is needed for persons working in the wind farm industry. It covers all aspects of wind farms including offshore, nearshore and onshore operations. The basic principles of wind farm layout are described along with an introduction to site analysis and mesoscale sources. The student will learn how to determine the ideal location for a wind farm and the purpose of environmental impact assessments. This module also introduces the student to collector substations, switchgear, and collector feeders.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
- Define the term wind farm
- Explain the purpose of a collector system
- Differentiate between offshore, nearshore and onshore
- List three ideal locations for a wind farm
- Describe the purpose of environmental impact assessments
- Name two types of onshore foundations
- Differentiate between array and export cables
- Explain the basic principle of wind farm layout
- Describe the operation of a collector substation
- Compare overcurrent protection and overload protection
- Explain the purpose of switchgear and collector feeders
- Name two types of ground fault protection devices
- Describe the purpose of an ICN and list its sub-networks
- Define the term Open Platform Communication
This module is intended to provide the student with an introduction to SCADA using automation systems and peripherals. The principles of alarm management are presented along with an overview of the alarm management lifecycle. SCADA security and authentication methodologies are also discussed in detail. Practical examples of SCADA wind farm applications and architecture are presented.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this module you will be able to:
- Describe the basic function of a SCADA system
- List four examples of SCADA systems
- Example the benefits of SCADA systems in wind farms
- Define SCADA architecture
- Identify seven elements in a SCADA system
- Describe the most popular SCADA communications protocol
- Explain the purpose of alarm management
- Identify three types of changes noted by alarms and events
- Explain the purpose of a firewall in a SCADA system
- Define the term SCADA security
- Name the two most common authentication methodologies